# We declare all of these here to type the first argument. from Cython.Compiler.Scanning cimport PyrexScanner cpdef p_ident(PyrexScanner s, message =*) cpdef p_ident_list(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_binop_operator(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_binop_expr(PyrexScanner s, ops, p_sub_expr) cpdef p_lambdef(PyrexScanner s, bint allow_conditional=*) cpdef p_lambdef_nocond(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_test(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_test_nocond(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_or_test(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_rassoc_binop_expr(PyrexScanner s, ops, p_subexpr) cpdef p_and_test(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_not_test(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_comparison(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_test_or_starred_expr(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_starred_expr(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_cascaded_cmp(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_cmp_op(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_bit_expr(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_xor_expr(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_and_expr(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_shift_expr(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_arith_expr(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_term(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_factor(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_typecast(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_sizeof(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_yield_expression(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_yield_statement(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_power(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_new_expr(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_trailer(PyrexScanner s, node1) cpdef p_call(PyrexScanner s, function) cpdef p_index(PyrexScanner s, base) cpdef p_subscript_list(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_subscript(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_slice_element(PyrexScanner s, follow_set) cpdef expect_ellipsis(PyrexScanner s) cpdef make_slice_nodes(pos, subscripts) cpdef make_slice_node(pos, start, stop = *, step = *) cpdef p_atom(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_name(PyrexScanner s, name) cpdef p_cat_string_literal(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_opt_string_literal(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_string_literal(PyrexScanner s, kind_override=*) cpdef p_list_maker(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_comp_iter(PyrexScanner s, body) cpdef p_comp_for(PyrexScanner s, body) cpdef p_comp_if(PyrexScanner s, body) cpdef p_dict_or_set_maker(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_backquote_expr(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_simple_expr_list(PyrexScanner s, expr=*) cpdef p_test_or_starred_expr_list(s, expr=*) cpdef p_testlist(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_testlist_star_expr(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_testlist_comp(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_genexp(PyrexScanner s, expr) #------------------------------------------------------- # # Statements # #------------------------------------------------------- cpdef p_global_statement(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_expression_or_assignment(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_print_statement(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_exec_statement(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_del_statement(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_pass_statement(PyrexScanner s, bint with_newline = *) cpdef p_break_statement(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_continue_statement(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_return_statement(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_raise_statement(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_import_statement(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_from_import_statement(PyrexScanner s, bint first_statement = *) cpdef p_imported_name(PyrexScanner s, bint is_cimport) cpdef p_dotted_name(PyrexScanner s, bint as_allowed) cpdef p_as_name(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_assert_statement(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_if_statement(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_if_clause(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_else_clause(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_while_statement(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_for_statement(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_for_bounds(PyrexScanner s, bint allow_testlist = *) cpdef p_for_from_relation(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_for_from_step(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_target(PyrexScanner s, terminator) cpdef p_for_target(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_for_iterator(PyrexScanner s, bint allow_testlist = *) cpdef p_try_statement(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_except_clause(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_include_statement(PyrexScanner s, ctx) cpdef p_with_statement(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_simple_statement(PyrexScanner s, bint first_statement = *) cpdef p_simple_statement_list(PyrexScanner s, ctx, bint first_statement = *) cpdef p_compile_time_expr(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_DEF_statement(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_IF_statement(PyrexScanner s, ctx) cpdef p_statement(PyrexScanner s, ctx, bint first_statement = *) cpdef p_statement_list(PyrexScanner s, ctx, bint first_statement = *) cpdef p_suite(PyrexScanner s, ctx = *, bint with_doc = *, bint with_pseudo_doc = *) cpdef p_positional_and_keyword_args(PyrexScanner s, end_sy_set, templates = *) cpdef p_c_base_type(PyrexScanner s, bint self_flag = *, bint nonempty = *, templates = *) cpdef p_calling_convention(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_c_complex_base_type(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_c_simple_base_type(PyrexScanner s, bint self_flag, bint nonempty, templates = *) cpdef p_buffer_or_template(PyrexScanner s, base_type_node, templates) cpdef bint looking_at_name(PyrexScanner s) except -2 cpdef bint looking_at_expr(PyrexScanner s) except -2 cpdef bint looking_at_base_type(PyrexScanner s) except -2 cpdef bint looking_at_dotted_name(PyrexScanner s) except -2 cpdef p_sign_and_longness(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_opt_cname(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_c_declarator(PyrexScanner s, ctx = *, bint empty = *, bint is_type = *, bint cmethod_flag = *, bint assignable = *, bint nonempty = *, bint calling_convention_allowed = *) cpdef p_c_array_declarator(PyrexScanner s, base) cpdef p_c_func_declarator(PyrexScanner s, pos, ctx, base, bint cmethod_flag) cpdef p_c_simple_declarator(PyrexScanner s, ctx, bint empty, bint is_type, bint cmethod_flag, bint assignable, bint nonempty) cpdef p_nogil(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_with_gil(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_exception_value_clause(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_c_arg_list(PyrexScanner s, ctx = *, bint in_pyfunc = *, bint cmethod_flag = *, bint nonempty_declarators = *, bint kw_only = *, bint annotated = *) cpdef p_optional_ellipsis(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_c_arg_decl(PyrexScanner s, ctx, in_pyfunc, bint cmethod_flag = *, bint nonempty = *, bint kw_only = *, bint annotated = *) cpdef p_api(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_cdef_statement(PyrexScanner s, ctx) cpdef p_cdef_block(PyrexScanner s, ctx) cpdef p_cdef_extern_block(PyrexScanner s, pos, ctx) cpdef p_c_enum_definition(PyrexScanner s, pos, ctx) cpdef p_c_enum_line(PyrexScanner s, list items) cpdef p_c_enum_item(PyrexScanner s, list items) cpdef p_c_struct_or_union_definition(PyrexScanner s, pos, ctx) cpdef p_visibility(PyrexScanner s, prev_visibility) cpdef p_c_modifiers(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_c_func_or_var_declaration(PyrexScanner s, pos, ctx) cpdef p_ctypedef_statement(PyrexScanner s, ctx) cpdef p_decorators(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_def_statement(PyrexScanner s, list decorators = *) cpdef p_varargslist(PyrexScanner s, terminator=*, bint annotated = *) cpdef p_py_arg_decl(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_class_statement(PyrexScanner s, decorators) cpdef p_c_class_definition(PyrexScanner s, pos, ctx) cpdef p_c_class_options(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_property_decl(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_doc_string(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_code(PyrexScanner s, level= *) cpdef p_compiler_directive_comments(PyrexScanner s) cpdef p_module(PyrexScanner s, pxd, full_module_name) cpdef p_cpp_class_definition(PyrexScanner s, pos, ctx)