# ChangeLog for gentoo/src/catalyst # Copyright 2002-2004 Gentoo Technologies, Inc.; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo/src/catalyst/ChangeLog,v 1.73 2004/07/21 05:03:42 zhen Exp $ 21 Jul 2004; John Davis +livecd/files/gamecd-xinitrc, +livecd/files/gamecd.motd.txt, +livecd/files/generic-motd.txt, +livecd/files/livecd-bash_profile, +livecd/files/livecd-local.start, -livecd/files/livecd-rclocal, +livecd/files/minimal.motd.txt, -livecd/files/motd.txt, +livecd/files/universal.motd.txt, livecd/runscript/default-runscript.sh, livecd/runscript-support/kmerge.sh, livecd/runscript-support/livecdfs-update.sh, modules/livecd_stage2_target.py: addition of wolf31o2's gamecd patchset. untested, so please beware 14 Jul 2004; John Davis livecd/runscript-support/livecdfs-update.sh, modules/generic_stage_target.py, modules/livecd_stage2_target.py: fixed a bug for livecd-stage2. somehow, the inheritance got mucked up and the livecds were not cleaning out livecd/empty livecd/rm etc. I moved the code for this out of generic_stage_target and into livecd-stage2 since the livecd-stage2 class was overriding generic_stage_target for cleaning anyway. 13 Jul 2004; livecd/runscript-support/livecdfs-update.sh: changed the behavior of rcadd/ rcdel. it was getting hokey to have to add the default rc'ed programs when only one change was required to rcadd. so I changed it so that the defaults are *always* loaded and specified additions/ deletions are just added on top of those. 12 Jul 2004; John Davis catalyst, targets/embedded/embedded-chroot.sh, targets/grp/grp-chroot.sh, targets/livecd-stage1/livecd-stage1-chroot.sh, targets/stage1/stage1-chroot.sh, targets/stage3/stage3-chroot.sh, targets/tinderbox/tinderbox-chroot.sh: changing the more verbose behavior to the -V (verbose) flag 12 Jul 2004; catalyst, targets/embedded/embedded-chroot.sh, targets/grp/grp-chroot.sh, targets/livecd-stage1/livecd-stage1-chroot.sh, targets/stage1/stage1-chroot.sh, targets/stage3/stage3-chroot.sh, targets/tinderbox/tinderbox-chroot.sh: the -d (debug) flag now makes catalyst calculate an emerge -vp of the packages it is about to merge so that deps and USE flags are more evident 11 Jul 2004; +catalyst, -catalyst.new.py, modules/catalyst_support.py: completely rewrote the catalyst main script so that it can actually utilize more than one command line flag. new functionality included, but not active yet (--debug and --verbose). arguments can still be passed on the commandline through the use of the -C (--cli) flag. updated the arg_parse function in catalyst_support.py to accomodate my changes. 02 Jul 2004; John Davis modules/generic_stage_target.py, modules/generic_target.py, modules/grp_target.py, modules/livecd_stage1_target.py, modules/livecd_stage2_target.py, modules/snapshot_target.py, modules/stage1_target.py, modules/stage2_target.py, modules/stage3_target.py, modules/tinderbox_target.py, targets/stage1/stage1.sh: fixes for bugs #55192 and #54137 added a new key for all specfiles, portage_confdir. this should point to a directory similar in functionality to /etc/portage. cleaned up the module code a bit so that unnecessary modules are not imported. more work on resuming. it is getting there, but it still needs a ton of work, so please test, and report bugs. 18 Jun 2004; John Davis catalyst, modules/catalyst_support.py, modules/generic_stage_target.py, targets/stage1/build.sh, targets/stage1/stage1-chroot.sh, targets/stage2/stage2-chroot.sh, targets/stage3/stage3-chroot.sh: stage resuming functionality should be working. I still have to work on GRP and livecds, but they should not be hard. I could not incorporate emerge --resume into stage resuming functionality because in some instances, portage is remerged (bootstrap, stage2), which wipes out the resume data and puts catalyst into an infinite portage merging loop (very unproductive, trust me ;) ). I also made some small tweaks to the stage target scripts which clean up the envscript stuff. Not noticable performance wise, but it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy to know that it is programmed absolutely correctly ;) 16 Jun 2004; John Davis TODO, modules/catalyst_support.py, modules/generic_stage_target.py: revamped the cmd() structure so that it could properly return error codes. Please note that this might break catalyst until there is some further testing. SO DO NOT USE IT FOR BUILDING ANYTHING IMPORTANT (yet). The benefit of me doing this is that SIGINT (ctrl-c) makes catalyst die nice and proper now. Additionally, catalyst will stop when there is an error with an ebuild ... it didn't do this before, it just plowed along and packed things up. Much thanks to for (writing) pointing me to the spawn() code in portage.py and then answering my noob questions. 13 Jun 2004; John Davis livecd/runscript/x86-archscript.sh, livecd/runscript-support/kmerge.sh, livecd/runscript-support/livecdfs-update.sh: some last minute fixins (stuff to work with the new genkernel) 13 Jun 2004; John Davis catalyst: rolling out 11 Jun 2004; John Davis livecd/runscript/default-runscript.sh, modules/livecd_stage2_target.py: new key, livecd/fsscript. use this to run commands in the livecdfs before it is made into an iso 10 Jun 2004; John Davis livecd/runscript-support/kmerge.sh, livecd/runscript-support/livecdfs-update.sh, livecd/runscript-support/post-kmerge.sh, livecd/runscript-support/pre-kmerge.sh: two new functions for livecd-stage2: livecd/rcadd and livecd/rcdel. these two functions control what scripts are added to their respective runlevels. This option would be specified like so in the spec file: livecd/rcadd: metalog:default foo:boot. the syntax is the same for livecd/rcdel. 08 Jun 2004; John Davis modules/builder.py, modules/catalyst_support.py, modules/livecd_stage2_target.py: livecd-stage2 traced back when boot/kernel/x/config was an empty string, fixed the code to give a nice error msg instead of a cryptic traceback 04 Jun 2004; John Davis livecd/runscript-support/livecdfs-update.sh: small fix for bootsplash, needed to link clst_livecd_bootsplash to /etc/bootsplash/default 04 Jun 2004; John Davis modules/generic_stage_target.py, targets/embedded/embedded-chroot.sh, targets/embedded/embedded-preclean-chroot.sh, targets/grp/grp-chroot.sh, targets/grp/grp-preclean-chroot.sh, targets/grp/grp.sh, targets/livecd-stage1/livecd-stage1-chroot.sh, targets/livecd-stage1/livecd-stage1-preclean-chroot.sh, targets/livecd-stage1/livecd-stage1.sh, targets/stage1/stage1-chroot.sh, targets/stage1/stage1-preclean1-chroot.sh, targets/stage1/stage1.sh, targets/stage2/stage2-chroot.sh, targets/stage2/stage2-preclean-chroot.sh, targets/stage3/stage3-chroot.sh, targets/stage3/stage3-preclean-chroot.sh, targets/tinderbox/tinderbox-chroot.sh, targets/tinderbox/tinderbox-preclean-chroot.sh, targets/tinderbox/tinderbox.sh: Fixes bug 51603, a lot of distcc fixups (has to do w/ bind mounts and such) 02 Jun 2004; John Davis modules/snapshot_target.py: Fixes to address bugs #51072 and #52045. The snapshot logic was tweaked to be more efficient, and I added a new snapshot specfile option, portdir_overlay. It should be a full path pointing to a portage overlay dir. 27 May 2004; John Davis livecd/cdtar/silo-1.3.1-cdtar.tar.bz2, livecd/cdtar/silo-1.3.2-sparc64-cdtar.tar.bz2, livecd/cdtar/silo-1.4.4-sparc32-cdtar.tar.bz2, livecd/runscript/default-runscript.sh: added updated silos and fixed motd bug 22 May 2004; John Davis REMARKS, catalyst: rolling out version 1.0.8 22 May 2004; John Davis livecd/runscript-support/kmerge.sh, livecd/runscript-support/livecdfs-update.sh, modules/livecd_stage2_target.py: added key livecd/bootsplash 21 May 2004; John Davis arch/sparc.py, arch/sparc64.py, livecd/runscript/sparc-archscript.sh, livecd/runscript/sparc64-archscript.sh: sparc fixup patches from gustavoz at g.org 20 May 2004; John Davis modules/livecd_stage2_target.py: added support for blacklisting modules via hotplug in livecd-stage2. spec key is livecd/modblacklist 19 May 2004; John Davis livecd/runscript/default-runscript.sh, modules/livecd_stage2_target.py, livecd/runscript/x86-archscript.sh: added support for livecd/overlay, changed vga=0x317 to vga=791 in the x86 archscript as it is a more standard setting and should work on more hardware 17 May 2004; John Davis livecd/runscript/default-runscript.sh, livecd/runscript/x86-archscript.sh, livecd/runscript-support/kmerge.sh, livecd/runscript-support/livecdfs-update.sh, modules/livecd_stage2_target.py: fixes for the genkernel arg handling - we can now do it on a per-kernel basis. we also now have basic motd copying support for more branded livecds 16 May 2004; John Davis livecd/runscript-support/kmerge.sh, modules/livecd_stage2_target.py: added a feature to the livecd-stage2 specfile called "livecd/genkernel_args" for passing args to genkernel. gmsoft@gentoo.org requested this one. 16 May 2004; John Davis catalyst, modules/catalyst_support.py, modules/embedded_target.py, modules/generic_stage_target.py, modules/generic_target.py, modules/grp_target.py, modules/livecd_stage1_target.py, modules/livecd_stage2_target.py, modules/stage1_target.py, modules/stage2_target.py, modules/stage3_target.py, modules/tinderbox_target.py, targets/stage1/stage1-preclean2-chroot.sh: finally parsed out targets.py. fixed gcc-config typo in stage1 the stage1 that caused gcc profile problems. 12 May 2004; John Davis livecd/runscript/default-runscript.sh, livecd/runscript-support/kmerge.sh, livecd/runscript-support/livecdfs-update.sh, livecd/runscript-support/post-kmerge.sh, livecd/runscript-support/pre-kmerge.sh, modules/catalyst_support.py, modules/targets.py: fixed default-runscript.sh so that it is easier to read (no more chroot >> EOF silliness). Most notably, I have taken advantage of the update-modules --assume-kernel fix from agriffis so that we can actually use 3rd party modules now. Please note that >=baselayout-1.9.0 is required. 02 May 2004; Olivier Crete arch/x86.py: Added forgotten CHOST for i386 subarch 30 Apr 2004; John Davis livecd/cdtar/isolinux-2.08-cdtar.tar.bz2, livecd/cdtar/isolinux-2.08-memtest86+-cdtar.tar.bz2, livecd/cdtar/isolinux-2.08-memtest86-cdtar.tar.bz2, livecd/files/x86-help.msg, livecd/runscript/x86-archscript.sh: lots of changes -fixed 2004.0 branding in the isolinux cdtar -fixed up acpi stuff in the runscripts -fixed up the x86 help message and corrected the numerous errors in it 26 Apr 2004; John Davis catalyst, livecd/runscript/default-runscript.sh: fixed the /etc/issue /O macro issue, and changed the version in catalyst to 1.0.7. we are ready for release 16 Apr 2004; John Davis targets/stage1/stage1-chroot.sh: fix for the problem that gustavoz found wrt the /dev creation stuff not detecting arches. also an efficiency fix for stage1 building 14 Apr 2004; John Davis targets/embedded/embedded-chroot.sh, targets/embedded/embedded-preclean-chroot.sh, targets/embedded/embedded.sh, targets/grp/grp.sh, targets/livecd-stage1/livecd-stage1-chroot.sh, targets/livecd-stage1/livecd-stage1-preclean-chroot.sh, targets/livecd-stage1/livecd-stage1.sh, targets/stage1/stage1-chroot.sh, targets/stage1/stage1-preclean1-chroot.sh, targets/stage1/stage1.sh, targets/stage2/stage2-chroot.sh, targets/stage2/stage2-preclean-chroot.sh, targets/stage2/stage2.sh, targets/stage3/stage3-chroot.sh, targets/stage3/stage3.sh, targets/tinderbox/tinderbox-chroot.sh, targets/tinderbox/tinderbox-preclean-chroot.sh, targets/tinderbox/tinderbox.sh: fix for bug #47733 - fixes for distcc and an envscript bugfix 13 Apr 2004; John Davis modules/targets.py: fix for bug 47626 12 Apr 2004; John Davis modules/catalyst_support.py, targets/embedded/cramfs-runscript.sh, targets/embedded/embedded-chroot.sh, targets/embedded/embedded-preclean-chroot.sh, targets/embedded/embedded.sh, targets/grp/grp-chroot.sh, targets/grp/grp-preclean-chroot.sh, targets/grp/grp.sh, targets/livecd-stage1/livecd-stage1-chroot.sh, targets/livecd-stage1/livecd-stage1-preclean-chroot.sh, targets/livecd-stage1/livecd-stage1.sh, targets/stage1/stage1-chroot.sh, targets/stage1/stage1-preclean1-chroot.sh, targets/stage1/stage1-preclean2-chroot.sh, targets/stage1/stage1.sh, targets/stage2/stage2-chroot.sh, targets/stage2/stage2-preclean-chroot.sh, targets/stage2/stage2.sh, targets/stage3/stage3.sh, targets/tinderbox/tinderbox.sh: lots of cleanup on the bash backend. take a look @ the code and report bugs to zhen@gentoo.org please. 06 Apr 2004; John Davis targets/stage1/stage1-chroot.sh: fix for /dev in stage1 05 Apr 2004; John Davis modules/targets.py: bugfix for #46861 04 Apr 2004; Benjamin Judas livecd/kconfig/config-2004.1-gentoo-dev-sources-2.6.3-r1, livecd/kconfig/config-2004.1-xfs-sources-2.4.24-r3: Added the two kernel-configs for 2004.1 x86 04 Apr 2004; John Davis targets/embedded/embedded.sh, targets/grp/grp.sh, targets/stage1/stage1-chroot.sh, targets/stage2/stage2.sh, targets/stage3/stage3.sh, targets/tinderbox/tinderbox.sh: fix to address missing /dev in stages, fixed path for env-update in all of the targets 02 Apr 2004; John Davis modules/targets.py: use broken for grp, livecd-stage1, tinderbox, etc. fixed 01 Apr 2004; John Davis livecd/runscript/default-runscript.sh: added in fix for the module.conf stuff courtesy of Benjamin Judas 01 Apr 2004; John Davis catalyst, files/catalyst.conf, files/x86-help.msg: cosmetic touchups for 1.0.5 31 Mar 2004; John Davis targets/stage2/stage2.sh: added support to the stage2 for stackable profiles bootstrap 31 Mar 2004; John Davis arch/sparc.py, modules/targets.py: sparc compatibility patches from gustavoz@gentoo.org added. These patches add support for sparc32/64 build compatibility 30 Mar 2004; John Davis livecd/runscript/default-runscript.sh, modules/targets.py, targets/stage1/build.sh: fix for bug 46022, more stackable profile fixes, embedded patches added 26 Mar 2004; John Davis livecd/runscript/default-runscript.sh, modules/targets.py, targets/grp/grp.sh, targets/livecd-stage1/livecd-stage1.sh, targets/stage1/stage1-chroot.sh, targets/stage2/stage2.sh, targets/stage3/stage3.sh, targets/tinderbox/tinderbox.sh: fixes for bugs #44625 and #45805 24 Mar 2004; John Davis catalyst, livecd/cdtar/isolinux-2.08-memtest86-cdtar.tar.bz2, livecd/runscript/default-runscript.sh, livecd/runscript/x86-archscript.sh: memtest is in. if you want to use it, check out the memtest86 cd tarball Also, fixes for bugs 45078, 45188, 44306 23 Mar 2004; John Davis livecd/runscript/alpha-archscript.sh, livecd/runscript/hppa-archscript.sh, livecd/runscript/ppc-archscript.sh, livecd/runscript/sparc64-archscript.sh, livecd/runscript/x86-archscript.sh, modules/targets.py, targets/livecd-stage3/unmerge.sh: added "livecd/iso" to targets.py and fixed up the archscripts so that isos are created at the end of the livecd-stage2 process. 22 Mar 2004; John Davis modules/targets.py, targets/embedded/embedded.sh: preliminary embedded support added thanks to david@futuretel.com (mut3x) 19 Mar 2004; John Davis targets/grp/grp.sh, targets/stage1/stage1.sh, targets/stage3/stage3.sh: removing the hardened-gcc deps since the package itself is deprecated' 05 Mar 2004; John Davis catalyst: changing location of /etc/catalyst.conf to /etc/catalyst/catalyst.conf 04 Mar 2004; John Davis alpha-isogen.sh, examples/livecd/alpha/alpha-livecd-stage1-20040225.spec, examples/livecd/alpha/alpha-livecd-stage2-20040225.spec, examples/livecd/alpha/config-2.4.21-r4-alpha, examples/livecd/alpha/config-2.4.21-r4-jensen, examples/livecd/alpha/config-2.4.21-r4-legacy, examples/livecd/cdtar/aboot-0.9-r1-cdtar.tar.bz2, examples/livecd/runscript/alpha-archscript.sh, files/catalyst.conf: fixes for bugs 43676, 43701. Alpha support added as well. 25 Feb 2004; Pieter Van den Abeele : added powerpc livecd support, preparing for 2004.0 release. Preliminary kde/gnome cd specs added. 18 Feb 2004; John Davis files/catalyst.conf: fix in catalyst.conf for bug #42044 13 Feb 2004; John Davis sparc64-isogen.sh, arch/sparc.py, arch/sparc64.py, examples/livecd/runscript/sparc64-archscript.sh, examples/livecd/sparc64/config-2.4.24-sparc64: sparc fixups contributed by Gustavo Zacarias 12 Feb 2004; Daniel Robbins : fixed bugs in previous feature additions (see 11 Feb 2004) and added support for a $clst_conf environment variable. You can use the $clst_conf variable to point to a file to use in place of /etc/catalyst.conf. By setting this variable in your shell, catalyst can easily be used by multiple people on the same machine. Also, ccache support now works for genkernel. 11 Feb 2004; Daniel Robbins : removed file for livecd-stage2 target, as this is handled by the runscript now. Added support for "/boot/kernel/foo/use", "/boot/kernel/foo/packages," and made "/boot/kernel/foo/extraversion" an optional rather than required parameter. The aforementioned "packages" is used to specify kernel-related packages (like module ebuilds) to merge with each kernel, and the new "use" option is used to specify the USE settings you'd like exported to the environment during kernel as well as kernel "packages" build. 10 Feb 2004; John Davis README, TODO, catalyst, modules/builder.py, modules/catalyst_support.py, modules/targets.py, targets/grp/grp.sh, targets/livecd-stage1/livecd-stage1.sh, targets/livecd-stage2/livecd-stage2.sh, targets/stage1/stage1-chroot.sh, targets/stage2/stage2.sh, targets/stage3/stage3.sh, targets/tinderbox/tinderbox.sh: added envscripts support (fixes bug #39832) massive cleanup of tree to prepare it for ebuild - added headers to everything and removed deprecated dirs 14 Jan 2004; zhen arch/mips.py, modules/targets.py: adding Kumba's patches for MIPS 16 Dec 2003; Guy Martin : arch/hppa.py,modules/targets.py : Added hppa specific code. 29 Nov 2003; Daniel Robbins : Tinderbox target added. See tinderbox examples in examples/ dir. 08 Nov 2003; Daniel Robbins : spec file support integrated into catalyst. Use "-f/--file specfile" as argument; see examples dir for examples. "grp" target now functional. See examples/x86-grp-20031102.spec for an example of how to use it. 08 Nov 2003; Daniel Robbins : support functions for spec file parsing and reading added. Will get added to the code soon. 05 Nov 2003; Daniel Robbins : Many bug fixes later, things seem to be working well for stage1/2/3 so I've added a README. 28 Oct 2003; Daniel Robbins : Significant rework of code structure. Everything is falling nicely into place. 28 Oct 2003; Daniel Robbins : Exception handling fully- integrated into current prototype code. 27 Oct 2003; Daniel Robbins : beginning of exception handling integration, got some of the target code nicely fleshed out. 24 Oct 2003; Daniel Robbins : major code rework in progress on the python parts. 17 Oct 2003; zhen files/grp/x86/x86.conf, files/grp/x86/x86.pkg.cd1, files/grp/x86/x86.pkg.cd2, files/grp/x86/x86.src, files/livecd/x86-basic/base.pkg, files/livecd/x86-basic/kern.pkg: for organiation's sake, I have moved the files, such as livecd foundations, into catalyst/files. It will make it easier for us when ebuild time comes around. 15 Oct 2003; zhen targets/stage3/stage3.sh: All preliminary target build scripts are now added and coded to near as spec that we can have at this point. 14 Oct 2003; Daniel Robbins : new and improved ChangeLog; snapshots now work ("./catalyst-util.py snap 20031014",) and snapshotting cleans up after itself (temp files deleted,) something that should be continued as much as reasonably possible in other parts of catalyst. Also, we have /etc/catalyst.conf config file reading stub code completed, and internal fall-backs to reasonable global config defaults completed.