Add note in --depclean docs about link level dependency breakage.
[portage.git] / pym / _emerge /
1 # Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
2 # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
3 # $Id$
6 import os,sys
7 from portage.output import bold, turquoise, green
9 def shorthelp():
10         print bold("emerge:")+" the other white meat (command-line interface to the Portage system)"
11         print bold("Usage:")
12         print "   "+turquoise("emerge")+" [ "+green("options")+" ] [ "+green("action")+" ] [ "+turquoise("ebuild")+" | "+turquoise("tbz2")+" | "+turquoise("file")+" | "+turquoise("set")+" | "+turquoise("atom")+" ] [ ... ]"
13         print "   "+turquoise("emerge")+" [ "+green("options")+" ] [ "+green("action")+" ] < "+turquoise("system")+" | "+turquoise("world")+" >"
14         print "   "+turquoise("emerge")+" < "+turquoise("--sync")+" | "+turquoise("--metadata")+" | "+turquoise("--info")+" >"
15         print "   "+turquoise("emerge")+" "+turquoise("--resume")+" [ "+green("--pretend")+" | "+green("--ask")+" | "+green("--skipfirst")+" ]"
16         print "   "+turquoise("emerge")+" "+turquoise("--help")+" [ "+green("system")+" | "+green("world")+" | "+green("--sync")+" ] "
17         print bold("Options:")+" "+green("-")+"["+green("abBcCdDefgGhjkKlnNoOpqPsStuvV")+"]"
18         print "          [ " + green("--color")+" < " + turquoise("y") + " | "+ turquoise("n")+" >            ] [ "+green("--columns")+"    ]"
19         print "          [ "+green("--complete-graph")+"             ] [ "+green("--deep")+"       ]"
20         print "          [ "+green("--jobs") + " " + turquoise("JOBS")+" ] [ "+green("--keep-going")+" ] [ " + green("--load-average")+" " + turquoise("LOAD") + "            ]"
21         print "          [ "+green("--newuse")+"    ] [ "+green("--noconfmem")+"  ] [ "+green("--nospinner")+"  ] [ "+green("--oneshot")+"     ]"
22         print "          [ "+green("--reinstall ")+turquoise("changed-use")+"      ] [ " + green("--with-bdeps")+" < " + turquoise("y") + " | "+ turquoise("n")+" >         ]"
23         print bold("Actions:")+"  [ "+green("--depclean")+" | "+green("--search")+" | "+green("--sync")+" | "+green("--version")+"        ]"
25 def help(myaction,myopts,havecolor=1):
26         # TODO: Implement a wrap() that accounts for console color escape codes.
27         from textwrap import wrap
28         desc_left_margin = 14
29         desc_indent = desc_left_margin * " "
30         desc_width = 80 - desc_left_margin - 5
31         if not myaction and ("--verbose" not in myopts):
32                 shorthelp()
33                 print
34                 print "   For more help try 'emerge --help --verbose' or consult the man page."
35         elif not myaction:
36                 shorthelp()
37                 print
38                 print turquoise("Help (this screen):")
39                 print "       "+green("--help")+" ("+green("-h")+" short option)"
40                 print "              Displays this help; an additional argument (see above) will tell"
41                 print "              emerge to display detailed help."
42                 print
43                 print turquoise("Actions:")
44                 print "       "+green("--clean")+" ("+green("-c")+" short option)"
45                 print "              Cleans the system by removing outdated packages which will not"
46                 print "              remove functionalities or prevent your system from working."
47                 print "              The arguments can be in several different formats :"
48                 print "              * world "
49                 print "              * system or"
50                 print "              * 'dependency specification' (in single quotes is best.)"
51                 print "              Here are a few examples of the dependency specification format:"
52                 print "              "+bold("binutils")+" matches"
53                 print "                  binutils- and binutils-"
54                 print "              "+bold("sys-devel/binutils")+" matches"
55                 print "                  binutils- and binutils-"
56                 print "              "+bold(">sys-devel/binutils-")+" matches"
57                 print "                  binutils-"
58                 print "              "+bold(">=sys-devel/binutils-")+" matches"
59                 print "                  binutils- and binutils-"
60                 print "              "+bold("<=sys-devel/binutils-")+" matches"
61                 print "                  binutils- and binutils-"
62                 print
63                 print "       "+green("--config")
64                 print "              Runs package-specific operations that must be executed after an"
65                 print "              emerge process has completed.  This usually entails configuration"
66                 print "              file setup or other similar setups that the user may wish to run."
67                 print
68                 print "       "+green("--depclean")
70                 paragraph = "Cleans the system by removing packages that are " + \
71                 "not associated with explicitly merged packages. Depclean works " + \
72                 "by creating the full dependency tree from the system and " + \
73                 "world sets, then comparing it to installed packages. Packages " + \
74                 "installed, but not part of the dependency tree, will be " + \
75                 "uninstalled by depclean. See --with-bdeps for behavior with " + \
76                 "respect to build time dependencies that are not strictly " + \
77                 "required. Packages that are part of the world set will " + \
78                 "always be kept. They can be manually added to this set with " + \
79                 "emerge --noreplace <atom>. As a safety measure, depclean " + \
80                 "will not remove any packages unless *all* required dependencies " + \
81                 "have been resolved. As a consequence, it is often necessary to " + \
82                 "run emerge --update --newuse --deep world " + \
83                 "prior to depclean."
85                 for line in wrap(paragraph, desc_width):
86                         print desc_indent + line
87                 print
89                 paragraph =  "WARNING: Inexperienced users are advised to use " + \
90                 "--pretend with this option in order to see a preview of which " + \
91                 "packages will be uninstalled. Always study the list of packages " + \
92                 "to be cleaned for any obvious mistakes. Note that packages " + \
93                 "listed in package.provided (see portage(5)) may be removed by " + \
94                 "depclean, even if they are part of the world set. Also note that " + \
95                 "depclean may break link level dependencies. Thus, it is " + \
96                 "recommended to use a tool such as revdep-rebuild(1) " + \
97                 "in order to detect such breakage."
99                 for line in wrap(paragraph, desc_width):
100                         print desc_indent + line
101                 print
103                 paragraph = "Depclean serves as a dependency aware version of " + \
104                         "--unmerge. When given one or more atoms, it will unmerge " + \
105                         "matched packages that have no reverse dependencies. Use " + \
106                         "--depclean together with --verbose to show reverse dependencies."
108                 for line in wrap(paragraph, desc_width):
109                         print desc_indent + line
110                 print
111                 print "       "+green("--info")
112                 print "              Displays important portage variables that will be exported to"
113                 print "     when performing merges. This information is useful"
114                 print "              for bug reports and verification of settings. All settings in"
115                 print "              make.{conf,globals,defaults} and the environment show up if"
116                 print "              run with the '--verbose' flag."
117                 print
118                 print "       "+green("--metadata")
119                 print "              Transfers metadata cache from ${PORTDIR}/metadata/cache/ to"
120                 print "              /var/cache/edb/dep/ as is normally done on the tail end of an"
121                 print "              rsync update using " + bold("emerge --sync") + ". This process populates the"
122                 print "              cache database that portage uses for pre-parsed lookups of"
123                 print "              package data.  It does not populate cache for the overlays"
124                 print "              listed in PORTDIR_OVERLAY.  In order to generate cache for"
125                 print "              overlays, use " + bold("--regen") + "."
126                 print
127                 print "       "+green("--prune")+" ("+green("-P")+" short option)"
128                 print "              "+turquoise("WARNING: This action can remove important packages!")
129                 paragraph = "Removes all but the highest installed version of a " + \
130                         "package from your system. Use --prune together with " + \
131                         "--verbose to show reverse dependencies or with --nodeps " + \
132                         "to ignore all dependencies. "
134                 for line in wrap(paragraph, desc_width):
135                         print desc_indent + line
136                 print
137                 print "       "+green("--regen")
138                 print "              Causes portage to check and update the dependency cache of all"
139                 print "              ebuilds in the portage tree. This is not recommended for rsync"
140                 print "              users as rsync updates the cache using server-side caches."
141                 print "              Rsync users should simply 'emerge --sync' to regenerate."
142                 desc = "In order to specify parallel --regen behavior, use "+ \
143                         "the ---jobs and --load-average options."
144                 for line in wrap(desc, desc_width):
145                         print desc_indent + line
146                 print
147                 print "       "+green("--resume")
148                 print "              Resumes the most recent merge list that has been aborted due to an"
149                 print "              error. Please note that this operation will only return an error"
150                 print "              on failure. If there is nothing for portage to do, then portage"
151                 print "              will exit with a message and a success condition. A resume list"
152                 print "              will persist until it has been completed in entirety or until"
153                 print "              another aborted merge list replaces it. The resume history is"
154                 print "              capable of storing two merge lists. After one resume list"
155                 print "              completes, it is possible to invoke --resume once again in order"
156                 print "              to resume an older list."
157                 print
158                 print "       "+green("--search")+" ("+green("-s")+" short option)"
159                 print "              Searches for matches of the supplied string in the current local"
160                 print "              portage tree. By default emerge uses a case-insensitive simple "
161                 print "              search, but you can enable a regular expression search by "
162                 print "              prefixing the search string with %."
163                 print "              Prepending the expression with a '@' will cause the category to"
164                 print "              be included in the search."
165                 print "              A few examples:"
166                 print "              "+bold("emerge --search libc")
167                 print "                  list all packages that contain libc in their name"
168                 print "              "+bold("emerge --search '%^kde'")
169                 print "                  list all packages starting with kde"
170                 print "              "+bold("emerge --search '%gcc$'")
171                 print "                  list all packages ending with gcc"
172                 print "              "+bold("emerge --search '%@^dev-java.*jdk'")
173                 print "                  list all available Java JDKs"
174                 print
175                 print "       "+green("--searchdesc")+" ("+green("-S")+" short option)"
176                 print "              Matches the search string against the description field as well"
177                 print "              the package's name. Take caution as the descriptions are also"
178                 print "              matched as regular expressions."
179                 print "                emerge -S html"
180                 print "                emerge -S applet"
181                 print "                emerge -S 'perl.*module'"
182                 print
183                 print "       "+green("--unmerge")+" ("+green("-C")+" short option)"
184                 print "              "+turquoise("WARNING: This action can remove important packages!")
185                 print "              Removes all matching packages. This does no checking of"
186                 print "              dependencies, so it may remove packages necessary for the proper"
187                 print "              operation of your system. Its arguments can be atoms or"
188                 print "              ebuilds. For a dependency aware version of --unmerge, use"
189                 print "              --depclean or --prune."
190                 print
191                 print "       "+green("--update")+" ("+green("-u")+" short option)"
192                 print "              Updates packages to the best version available, which may not"
193                 print "              always be the highest version number due to masking for testing"
194                 print "              and development. This will also update direct dependencies which"
195                 print "              may not be what you want. Package atoms specified on the command"
196                 print "              line are greedy, meaning that unspecific atoms may match multiple"
197                 print "              installed versions of slotted packages."
198                 print
199                 print "       "+green("--version")+" ("+green("-V")+" short option)"
200                 print "              Displays the currently installed version of portage along with"
201                 print "              other information useful for quick reference on a system. See"
202                 print "              "+bold("emerge info")+" for more advanced information."
203                 print
204                 print turquoise("Options:")
205                 print "       "+green("--alphabetical")
206                 print "              When displaying USE and other flag output, combines the enabled"
207                 print "              and disabled flags into a single list and sorts it alphabetically."
208                 print "              With this option, output such as USE=\"dar -bar -foo\" will instead"
209                 print "              be displayed as USE=\"-bar dar -foo\""
210                 print
211                 print "       "+green("--ask")+" ("+green("-a")+" short option)"
212                 print "              before performing the merge, display what ebuilds and tbz2s will"
213                 print "              be installed, in the same format as when using --pretend; then"
214                 print "              ask whether to continue with the merge or abort. Using --ask is"
215                 print "              more efficient than using --pretend and then executing the same"
216                 print "              command without --pretend, as dependencies will only need to be"
217                 print "              calculated once. WARNING: If the \"Enter\" key is pressed at the"
218                 print "              prompt (with no other input), it is interpreted as acceptance of"
219                 print "              the first choice.  Note that the input buffer is not cleared prior"
220                 print "              to the prompt, so an accidental press of the \"Enter\" key at any"
221                 print "              time prior to the prompt will be interpreted as a choice!"
222                 print
223                 print "       "+green("--buildpkg")+" ("+green("-b")+" short option)"
224                 desc = "Tells emerge to build binary packages for all ebuilds processed in" + \
225                         " addition to actually merging the packages. Useful for maintainers" + \
226                         " or if you administrate multiple Gentoo Linux systems (build once," + \
227                         " emerge tbz2s everywhere) as well as disaster recovery. The package" + \
228                         " will be created in the" + \
229                         " ${PKGDIR}/All directory. An alternative for already-merged" + \
230                         " packages is to use quickpkg(1) which creates a tbz2 from the" + \
231                         " live filesystem."
232                 for line in wrap(desc, desc_width):
233                         print desc_indent + line
234                 print
235                 print "       "+green("--buildpkgonly")+" ("+green("-B")+" short option)"
236                 print "              Creates a binary package, but does not merge it to the"
237                 print "              system. This has the restriction that unsatisfied dependencies"
238                 print "              must not exist for the desired package as they cannot be used if"
239                 print "              they do not exist on the system."
240                 print
241                 print "       "+green("--changelog")+" ("+green("-l")+" short option)"
242                 print "              When pretending, also display the ChangeLog entries for packages"
243                 print "              that will be upgraded."
244                 print
245                 print "       "+green("--color") + " < " + turquoise("y") + " | "+ turquoise("n")+" >"
246                 print "              Enable or disable color output. This option will override NOCOLOR"
247                 print "              (see make.conf(5)) and may also be used to force color output when"
248                 print "              stdout is not a tty (by default, color is disabled unless stdout"
249                 print "              is a tty)."
250                 print
251                 print "       "+green("--columns")
252                 print "              Display the pretend output in a tabular form. Versions are"
253                 print "              aligned vertically."
254                 print
255                 print "       "+green("--complete-graph")
256                 desc = "This causes emerge to consider the deep dependencies of all" + \
257                         " packages from the system and world sets. With this option enabled," + \
258                         " emerge will bail out if it determines that the given operation will" + \
259                         " break any dependencies of the packages that have been added to the" + \
260                         " graph. Like the --deep option, the --complete-graph" + \
261                         " option will significantly increase the time taken for dependency" + \
262                         " calculations. Note that, unlike the --deep option, the" + \
263                         " --complete-graph option does not cause any more packages to" + \
264                         " be updated than would have otherwise been updated with the option disabled."
265                 for line in wrap(desc, desc_width):
266                         print desc_indent + line
267                 print
268                 print "       "+green("--debug")+" ("+green("-d")+" short option)"
269                 print "              Tell emerge to run the ebuild command in --debug mode. In this"
270                 print "              mode, the bash build environment will run with the -x option,"
271                 print "              causing it to output verbose debug information print to stdout."
272                 print "              --debug is great for finding bash syntax errors as providing"
273                 print "              very verbose information about the dependency and build process."
274                 print
275                 print "       "+green("--deep")+" ("+green("-D")+" short option)"
276                 print "              This flag forces emerge to consider the entire dependency tree of"
277                 print "              packages, instead of checking only the immediate dependencies of"
278                 print "              the packages. As an example, this catches updates in libraries"
279                 print "              that are not directly listed in the dependencies of a package."
280                 print "              Also see --with-bdeps for behavior with respect to build time"
281                 print "              dependencies that are not strictly required."
282                 print 
283                 print "       "+green("--emptytree")+" ("+green("-e")+" short option)"
284                 print "              Virtually tweaks the tree of installed packages to contain"
285                 print "              nothing. This is great to use together with --pretend. This makes"
286                 print "              it possible for developers to get a complete overview of the"
287                 print "              complete dependency tree of a certain package."
288                 print
289                 print "       "+green("--fetchonly")+" ("+green("-f")+" short option)"
290                 print "              Instead of doing any package building, just perform fetches for"
291                 print "              all packages (main package as well as all dependencies.) When"
292                 print "              used in combination with --pretend all the SRC_URIs will be"
293                 print "              displayed multiple mirrors per line, one line per file."
294                 print
295                 print "       "+green("--fetch-all-uri")+" ("+green("-F")+" short option)"
296                 print "              Same as --fetchonly except that all package files, including those"
297                 print "              not required to build the package, will be processed."
298                 print
299                 print "       "+green("--getbinpkg")+" ("+green("-g")+" short option)"
300                 print "              Using the server and location defined in PORTAGE_BINHOST, portage"
301                 print "              will download the information from each binary file there and it"
302                 print "              will use that information to help build the dependency list. This"
303                 print "              option implies '-k'. (Use -gK for binary-only merging.)"
304                 print
305                 print "       "+green("--getbinpkgonly")+" ("+green("-G")+" short option)"
306                 print "              This option is identical to -g, as above, except it will not use"
307                 print "              ANY information from the local machine. All binaries will be"
308                 print "              downloaded from the remote server without consulting packages"
309                 print "              existing in the packages directory."
310                 print
311                 print "       " + green("--jobs") + " " + turquoise("[JOBS]") + " ("+green("-j")+" short option)"
312                 desc = "Specifies the number of packages " + \
313                         "to build simultaneously. If this option is " + \
314                         "given without an argument, emerge will not " + \
315                         "limit the number of jobs that " + \
316                         "can run simultaneously. Also see " + \
317                         "the related --load-average option."
318                 for line in wrap(desc, desc_width):
319                         print desc_indent + line
320                 print
321                 print "       "+green("--keep-going")
322                 desc = "Continue as much as possible after " + \
323                         "an error. When an error occurs, " + \
324                         "dependencies are recalculated for " + \
325                         "remaining packages and any with " + \
326                         "unsatisfied dependencies are " + \
327                         "automatically dropped. Also see " + \
328                         "the related --skipfirst option."
329                 for line in wrap(desc, desc_width):
330                         print desc_indent + line
331                 print
332                 print "       " + green("--load-average") + " " + turquoise("LOAD")
333                 desc = "Specifies that no new builds should " + \
334                         "be started if there are other builds " + \
335                         "running and the load average is at " + \
336                         "least LOAD (a floating-point number). " + \
337                         "This option is recommended for use " + \
338                         "in combination with --jobs in " + \
339                         "order to avoid excess load. See " + \
340                         "make(1) for information about " + \
341                         "analogous options that should be " + \
342                         "configured via MAKEOPTS in " + \
343                         "make.conf(5)."
344                 for line in wrap(desc, desc_width):
345                         print desc_indent + line
346                 print
347                 print "       "+green("--newuse")+" ("+green("-N")+" short option)"
348                 print "              Tells emerge to include installed packages where USE flags have "
349                 print "              changed since installation."
350                 print
351                 print "       "+green("--noconfmem")
352                 print "              Portage keeps track of files that have been placed into"
353                 print "              CONFIG_PROTECT directories, and normally it will not merge the"
354                 print "              same file more than once, as that would become annoying. This"
355                 print "              can lead to problems when the user wants the file in the case"
356                 print "              of accidental deletion. With this option, files will always be"
357                 print "              merged to the live fs instead of silently dropped."
358                 print
359                 print "       "+green("--nodeps")+" ("+green("-O")+" short option)"
360                 print "              Merge specified packages, but don't merge any dependencies."
361                 print "              Note that the build may fail if deps aren't satisfied."
362                 print 
363                 print "       "+green("--noreplace")+" ("+green("-n")+" short option)"
364                 print "              Skip the packages specified on the command-line that have"
365                 print "              already been installed.  Without this option, any packages,"
366                 print "              ebuilds, or deps you specify on the command-line *will* cause"
367                 print "              Portage to remerge the package, even if it is already installed."
368                 print "              Note that Portage won't remerge dependencies by default."
369                 print 
370                 print "       "+green("--nospinner")
371                 print "              Disables the spinner regardless of terminal type."
372                 print
373                 print "       "+green("--oneshot")+" ("+green("-1")+" short option)"
374                 print "              Emerge as normal, but don't add packages to the world profile."
375                 print "              This package will only be updated if it is depended upon by"
376                 print "              another package."
377                 print
378                 print "       "+green("--onlydeps")+" ("+green("-o")+" short option)"
379                 print "              Only merge (or pretend to merge) the dependencies of the"
380                 print "              specified packages, not the packages themselves."
381                 print
382                 print "       "+green("--pretend")+" ("+green("-p")+" short option)"
383                 print "              Instead of actually performing the merge, simply display what"
384                 print "              ebuilds and tbz2s *would* have been installed if --pretend"
385                 print "              weren't used.  Using --pretend is strongly recommended before"
386                 print "              installing an unfamiliar package.  In the printout, N = new,"
387                 print "              U = updating, R = replacing, F = fetch  restricted, B = blocked"
388                 print "              by an already installed package, D = possible downgrading,"
389                 print "              S = slotted install. --verbose causes affecting use flags to be"
390                 print "              printed out accompanied by a '+' for enabled and a '-' for"
391                 print "              disabled USE flags."
392                 print
393                 print "       "+green("--quiet")+" ("+green("-q")+" short option)"
394                 print "              Effects vary, but the general outcome is a reduced or condensed"
395                 print "              output from portage's displays."
396                 print
397                 print "       "+green("--reinstall ") + turquoise("changed-use")
398                 print "              Tells emerge to include installed packages where USE flags have"
399                 print "              changed since installation.  Unlike --newuse, this option does"
400                 print "              not trigger reinstallation when flags that the user has not"
401                 print "              enabled are added or removed."
402                 print
403                 print "       "+green("--skipfirst")
404                 desc = "This option is only valid when " + \
405                         "used with --resume.  It removes the " + \
406                         "first package in the resume list. " + \
407                         "Dependencies are recalculated for " + \
408                         "remaining packages and any that " + \
409                         "have unsatisfied dependencies or are " + \
410                         "masked will be automatically dropped. " + \
411                         "Also see the related " + \
412                         "--keep-going option."
413                 for line in wrap(desc, desc_width):
414                         print desc_indent + line
415                 print
416                 print "       "+green("--tree")+" ("+green("-t")+" short option)"
417                 print "              Shows the dependency tree using indentation for dependencies."
418                 print "              The packages are also listed in reverse merge order so that"
419                 print "              a package's dependencies follow the package. Only really useful"
420                 print "              in combination with --emptytree, --update or --deep."
421                 print
422                 print "       "+green("--usepkg")+" ("+green("-k")+" short option)"
423                 print "              Tell emerge to use binary packages (from $PKGDIR) if they are"
424                 print "              available, thus possibly avoiding some time-consuming compiles."
425                 print "              This option is useful for CD installs; you can export"
426                 print "              PKGDIR=/mnt/cdrom/packages and then use this option to have"
427                 print "              emerge \"pull\" binary packages from the CD in order to satisfy" 
428                 print "              dependencies."
429                 print
430                 print "       "+green("--usepkgonly")+" ("+green("-K")+" short option)"
431                 print "              Like --usepkg above, except this only allows the use of binary"
432                 print "              packages, and it will abort the emerge if the package is not"
433                 print "              available at the time of dependency calculation."
434                 print
435                 print "       "+green("--verbose")+" ("+green("-v")+" short option)"
436                 print "              Effects vary, but the general outcome is an increased or expanded"
437                 print "              display of content in portage's displays."
438                 print
439                 print "       "+green("--with-bdeps")+" < " + turquoise("y") + " | "+ turquoise("n")+" >"
440                 print "              In dependency calculations, pull in build time dependencies that"
441                 print "              are not strictly required. This defaults to 'n' for installation"
442                 print "              actions and 'y' for the --depclean action. This setting can be"
443                 print "              added to EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS (see make.conf(5)) and later"
444                 print "              overridden via the command line."
445                 print
446         elif myaction == "sync":
447                 print
448                 print bold("Usage: ")+turquoise("emerge")+" "+turquoise("--sync")
449                 print
450                 print "       'emerge --sync' tells emerge to update the Portage tree as specified in"
451                 print "       The SYNC variable found in /etc/make.conf.  By default, SYNC instructs"
452                 print "       emerge to perform an rsync-style update with"
453                 print
454                 print "       'emerge-webrsync' exists as a helper app to emerge --sync, providing a"
455                 print "       method to receive the entire portage tree as a tarball that can be"
456                 print "       extracted and used. First time syncs would benefit greatly from this."
457                 print
458                 print "       "+turquoise("WARNING:")
459                 print "       If using our rsync server, emerge will clean out all files that do not"
460                 print "       exist on it, including ones that you may have created. The exceptions"
461                 print "       to this are the distfiles, local and packages directories."
462                 print