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7                 <title>Open source single molecule force spectroscopy</title>
9                 <meta name="description" content="Controlling and analyzing SMFS with varying salt concentrations">
10                 <meta name="author" content="Trevor King">
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33         <body>
35                 <div class="reveal">
37                         <!-- Any section element inside of this container is displayed as a slide -->
38                         <div class="slides">
40                                 <section>
41                                         <h2>Open source<br/> single molecule<br/> force spectroscopy</h2>
42                                         <h3>Protein unfolding in varying salt concentrations</h3>
43                                         <p style="text-align: center;">
44                                                 <small>Trevor King</small>
45                                         </p>
46                                 </section>
47                                 <section>
48                                         <section>
49                                                 <h2>Open source SMFS</h2>
50                                                 <ol>
51                                                         <li><a href="#/1" class="active">Proteins</a></li>
52                                                         <li><a href="#/2">Atomic force microscopy</a></li>
53                                                         <li><a href="#/3">Single molecule force spectroscopy</a></li>
54                                                         <li><a href="#/4">Experiment control</a></li>
55                                                         <li><a href="#/5">Cantilever calibration</a></li>
56                                                         <li><a href="#/6">
57                                                                         Modeling: Monte Carlo unfolding simulations</a></li>
58                                                         <li><a href="#/7">
59                                                                         Application: Unfolding in salty buffers</a></li>
60                                                         <li><a href="#/8">Conclusions and future work</a></li>
61                                                 </ol>
62                                         </section>
63                                         <section>
64                                                 <h2>Proteins: What are they?</h2>
65                                                 <p>
66                                                         <video width="640" height="480"
67                                                                                  preload="auto" loop="" controls=""> <!--autoplay=""-->
68                                                                 <source src="media/build/1TIT-atoms.mp4"
69                                                                                                 type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' />
70                                                         </video>
71                                                         <!-- generated with PyMol from
72                                                                          http://www.rcsb.org/pdb/explore.do?structureId=1TIT -->
73                                                 </p>
74                                         </section>
75                                         <section>
76                                                 <h2>Proteins: Where are they?</h2>
77                                                 <p>
78                                                         <img src="media/build/takamori-fig4b-fw-fh.png" />
79                                                 </p>
80                                                 <p style="text-align: center;">
81                                                         <small>
82                                                                 <a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2006.10.030">
83                                                                         Takamori, Holt, Stenius, et al., 2006
84                                                                 </a>
85                                                         </small>
86                                                 </p>
87                                         </section>
88                                         <section>
89                                                 <h2>Proteins: Titin</h2>
90                                                 <p>
91                                                         <img src="media/build/skeletal-muscle-fw-fh.png" />
92                                                 </p>
93                                                 <p style="text-align: center;">
94                                                         <small>
95                                                                 Adapted from
96                                                                 <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Skeletal_muscle.jpg">
97                                                                         Wikipedia
98                                                                 </a>
99                                                         </small>
100                                                 </p>
101                                         </section>
102                                         <section>
103                                                 <h2>Proteins: Titin's I27</h2>
104                                                 <p>
105                                                         <img src="media/build/titin-fw-fh.png" />
106                                                 </p>
107                                                 <p style="text-align: center;">
108                                                         <small>
109                                                                 <a href="http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/telethonin/">
110                                                                         U. Illinois Biophysics Group
111                                                                 </a>
112                                                         </small>
113                                                 </p>
114                                         </section>
115                                         <section>
116                                                 <h2>Proteins: I27</h2>
117                                                 <p>
118                                                         <img src="media/build/1TIT-fw-fh.png" />
119                                                 </p>
120                                                 <p style="text-align: center;">
121                                                         <small>
122                                                                 <a href="http://www.rcsb.org/pdb/explore.do?structureId=1TIT">
123                                                                         PDB structure 1TIT
124                                                                 </a>
125                                                         </small>
126                                                 </p>
127                                         </section>
128                                         <section>
129                                                 <h2>Proteins: What's the problem?</h2>
130                                                 <table class="center">
131                                                         <tr>
132                                                                 <td style="vertical-align: middle;">
133                                                                         <pre style="display: table; width: auto;">
141 NLKVKEL</pre>
142                                                                 </td>
143                                                                 <td style="vertical-align: middle;"><p>  →  </p></td>
144                                                                 <td style="vertical-align: middle;">
145                                                                         <img src="media/build/1TIT-tw-th.png" />
146                                                                 </td>
147                                                         </tr>
148                                                         <tr>
149                                                                 <td colspan="3">
150                                                                         <p>
151                                                                                 <img src="media/build/pirchi-fig1-fw-hh.png" />
152                                                                         </p>
153                                                                         <p style="text-align: center;">
154                                                                                 <small>
155                                                                                         <a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/ncomms1504">
156                                                                                                 Pirchi, Ziv, Riven, et al., 2011
157                                                                                         </a>
158                                                                                 </small>
159                                                                         </p>
160                                                                 </td>
161                                                         </tr>
162                                                 </table>
163                                         </section>
164                                 </section>
165                                 <section>
166                                         <section>
167                                                 <h2>Open source SMFS</h2>
168                                                 <ol>
169                                                         <li><a href="#/1">Proteins</a></li>
170                                                         <li><a href="#/2" class="active">Atomic force microscopy</a></li>
171                                                         <li><a href="#/3">Single molecule force spectroscopy</a></li>
172                                                         <li><a href="#/4">Experiment control</a></li>
173                                                         <li><a href="#/5">Cantilever calibration</a></li>
174                                                         <li><a href="#/6">
175                                                                         Modeling: Monte Carlo unfolding simulations</a></li>
176                                                         <li><a href="#/7">
177                                                                         Application: Unfolding in salty buffers</a></li>
178                                                         <li><a href="#/8">Conclusions and future work</a></li>
179                                                 </ol>
180                                         </section>
181                                         <section>
182                                                 <h2>Atomic force microscopy</h2>
183                                                 <p>
184                                                         <img src="media/build/afm-3d-fw-fh.png" />
185                                                 </p>
186                                         </section>
187                                         <section>
188                                                 <h2>AFM: Cantilever geometry</h2>
189                                                 <p>
190                                                         <!-- need height to stretch low-resolution pictures -->
191                                                         <img src="media/build/cantilever.jpg" height="272" />
192                                                         <img src="media/build/tip.jpg" height="272" />
193                                                 </p>
194                                                 <p style="text-align: center;">
195                                                         <small>
196                                                                 <a href="http://probe.olympus-global.com/en/product/omcl_tr800psa_w/">
197                                                                         Olympus TR800PSA
198                                                                 </a>, images from
199                                                                 <a href="http://www.asylumresearch.com/Probe/TR400PSA,Olympus">
200                                                                         Asylum Research
201                                                                 </a><br/>
202                                                                 We use the thinner
203                                                                 <a href="http://probe.olympus-global.com/en/product/omcl_tr400psa_hw/">
204                                                                          TR400PSA
205                                                                 </a>
206                                                         </small>
207                                                 </p>
208                                         </section>
209                                         <section>
210                                                 <h2>AFM: Laser deflection</h2>
211                                                 <p>
212                                                         <video width="640" height="480"
213                                                                                  preload="auto" loop="" controls=""> <!--autoplay=""-->
214                                                                 <source src="media/build/contact-afm.ogv"
215                                                                                                 type='video/ogg; codecs="theora,vorbis"' />
216                                                         </video>
217                                                 </p>
218                                                 <p style="text-align: center;">
219                                                         <small>
220                                                                 <a href="http://www.freesbi.ch/fr/illustration/animations">
221                                                                         Charles Roduit
222                                                                 </a>
223                                                         </small>
224                                                 </p>
225                                         </section>
226                                         <section>
227                                                 <h2>AFM: Piezo positioning</h2>
228                                                 <p>
229                                                         <img src="media/build/afm-fw-fh.png" />
230                                                 </p>
231                                         </section>
232                                         <section>
233                                                 <h2>The piezoelectric effect</h2>
234                                                 <p>
235                                                         <object data="media/perovskite.svg" type="image/svg+xml"
236                                                                         width="640" height="350"></object>
237                                                 </p>
238                                                 <p style="text-align: center;">
239                                                         <small>
240                                                                 Lead zirconium titanate (PZT) from
241                                                                 <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Perovskite.svg">
242                                                                         Wikipedia
243                                                                 </a>
244                                                         </small>
245                                                 </p>
246                                         </section>
247                                         <section>
248                                                 <h2>AFM: Tubular piezos</h2>
249                                                 <p>
250                                                         <img src="media/build/piezo-fw-fh.png" />
251                                                 </p>
252                                         </section>
253                                 </section>
254                                 <section>
255                                         <section>
256                                                 <h2>Open source SMFS</h2>
257                                                 <ol>
258                                                         <li><a href="#/1">Proteins</a></li>
259                                                         <li><a href="#/2">Atomic force microscopy</a></li>
260                                                         <li><a href="#/3" class="active">
261                                                                         Single molecule force spectroscopy</a></li>
262                                                         <li><a href="#/4">Experiment control</a></li>
263                                                         <li><a href="#/5">Cantilever calibration</a></li>
264                                                         <li><a href="#/6">
265                                                                         Modeling: Monte Carlo unfolding simulations</a></li>
266                                                         <li><a href="#/7">
267                                                                         Application: Unfolding in salty buffers</a></li>
268                                                         <li><a href="#/8">Conclusions and future work</a></li>
269                                                 </ol>
270                                         </section>
271                                         <section>
272                                                 <h2>Single molecule force spectroscopy</h2>
273                                                 <p>
274                                                         <img src="media/build/unfolding-fw-fh.png" />
275                                                 </p>
276                                         </section>
277                                         <section>
278                                                 <h2>SMFS: Sawtooth curve</h2>
279                                                 <p>
280                                                         <img src="media/build/expt-sawtooth-fw-fh.png" width="640" />
281                                                 </p>
282                                         </section>
283                                         <section>
284                                                 <h2>SMFS: What's going on?</h2>
285                                                 <p>
286                                                         <img src="media/build/carrion-vazquez-fig2-fw-fh.png" />
287                                                 </p>
288                                                 <p>
289                                                         <small>
290                                                                 <a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0079-6107(00)00017-1">
291                                                                         Carrion-Vazquez, et al., 2000;
292                                                                         adapted from Baljon and Robbins, 1996
293                                                                 </a>
294                                                         </small>
295                                                 </p>
296                                         </section>
297                                         <section>
298                                                 <h2>SMFS: Unfolding one domain</h2>
299                                                 <p>
300                                                         <img src="media/build/lu-fig1-fw-fh.png" />
301                                                 </p>
302                                                 <p>
303                                                         <small>
304                                                                 <a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0006-3495(00)76273-4">
305                                                                         Lu and Schulten, 2000
306                                                                 </a>
307                                                         </small>
308                                                 </p>
309                                         </section>
310                                 </section>
311                                 <section>
312                                         <section>
313                                                 <h2>Open source SMFS</h2>
314                                                 <ol>
315                                                         <li><a href="#/1">Proteins</a></li>
316                                                         <li><a href="#/2">Atomic force microscopy</a></li>
317                                                         <li><a href="#/3">Single molecule force spectroscopy</a></li>
318                                                         <li><a href="#/4" class="active">Experiment control</a></li>
319                                                         <li><a href="#/5">Cantilever calibration</a></li>
320                                                         <li><a href="#/6">
321                                                                         Modeling: Monte Carlo unfolding simulations</a></li>
322                                                         <li><a href="#/7">
323                                                                         Application: Unfolding in salty buffers</a></li>
324                                                         <li><a href="#/8">Conclusions and future work</a></li>
325                                                 </ol>
326                                         </section>
327                                         <section>
328                                                 <h2>Experiment control</h2>
329                                                 <p>
330                                                         <img src="media/build/apparatus-fw-fh.png" />
331                                                 </p>
332                                         </section>
333                                         <section>
334                                                 <h2>Control: Quick-and-dirty</h2>
335                                                 <p>
336                                                         <img src="media/build/labview-fw-fh.png" />
337                                                 </p>
338                                         </section>
339                                         <section>
340                                                 <h2>Control: Modular stack</h2>
341                                                 <p>
342                                                         <img src="media/build/pyafm-fw-fh.png" />
343                                                 </p>
344                                         </section>
345                                         <section>
346                                                 <h2>Open source: Existing layers</h2>
347                                                 <table class="center">
348                                                         <tr>
349                                                                 <td><img src="media/logo/tux.png" height="150" /></td>
350                                                                 <td><object data="media/logo/gnu.svg" type="image/svg+xml"
351                                                                                                                 height="150"></object></td>
352                                                                 <td><object data="media/logo/gentoo.svg" type="image/svg+xml"
353                                                                                                                 height="150"></object></td>
354                                                                 <td><object data="media/logo/python.svg" type="image/svg+xml"
355                                                                                                                 height="150"></object></td>
356                                                                 <td><object data="media/logo/scipy.svg" type="image/svg+xml"
357                                                                                                                 height="150"></object></td>
358                                                         </tr>
359                                                         <tr>
360                                                                 <td><a href="https://www.kernel.org/">Linux</a></td>
361                                                                 <td>
362                                                                         <a href="http://www.gnu.org/">
363                                                                                 <abbr title="GNU's Not Unix!">GNU</abbr>
364                                                                         </a>
365                                                                 </td>
366                                                                 <td><a href="http://www.gentoo.org/">Gentoo</a></td>
367                                                                 <td><a href="http://www.python.org/">Python</a></td>
368                                                                 <td><a href="http://www.scipy.org/">SciPy</a></td>
369                                                         </tr>
370                                                         <tr>
371                                                                 <td>
372                                                                         <small>
373                                                                                 <a href="http://www.comedi.org/">
374                                                                                         <abbr title="Control and Measurement Device Interface">Comedi<abbr>
375                                                                                 </a>
376                                                                         </small>
377                                                                 </td>
378                                                                 <td>
379                                                                         <small>
380                                                                                 <a href="http://matplotlib.org/">matplotlib</a>
381                                                                         </small>
382                                                                 </td>
383                                                                 <td>
384                                                                         <small>
385                                                                                 <a href="https://github.com/bashwork/pymodbus">pymodbus</a>
386                                                                         </small>
387                                                                 </td>
388                                                                 <td>
389                                                                         <small>
390                                                                                 <a href="http://www.cython.org/">Cython</a>
391                                                                         </small>
392                                                                 </td>
393                                                                 <td>
394                                                                         <small>
395                                                                                 <a href="https://www.numpy.org/">NumPy</a>
396                                                                         </small>
397                                                                 </td>
398                                                         </tr>
399                                                         <tr>
400                                                                 <td>
401                                                                         <small>
402                                                                                 <a href="http://www.h5py.org/">h5py</a>
403                                                                         </small>
404                                                                 </td>
405                                                                 <td><small>…</small></td>
406                                                         </tr>
407                                                 </table>
408                                         </section>
409                                         <section>
410                                                 <h2>Open source: Teamwork</h2>
411                                                 <p>
412                                                         <img src="media/build/ants-fw-fh.png" />
413                                                 </p>
414                                                 <p style="text-align: center;">
415                                                         <small>
416                                                                 <a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1016658108">
417                                                                         Mlot, Tovey, and Hu, 2011
418                                                                 </a>
419                                                         </small>
420                                                 </p>
421                                         </section>
422                                         <section>
423                                                 <h2>Control: Example code</h2>
424                                                 <pre><code data-trim="">
425 class Unfolder (object):
426     …
427     def run(self):
428         """Approach-bind-unfold-save[-plot] cycle.
429         """
430         ret = {}
431         ret['timestamp'] = _email_utils.formatdate(localtime=True)
432         ret['temperature'] = self.afm.get_temperature()
433         ret['approach'] = self._approach()
434         self._bind()
435         ret['unfold'] = self._unfold()
436         self._save(**ret)
437         if _package_config['matplotlib']:
438             self._plot(**ret)
439         return ret
440                                                 </code></pre>
441                                         </section>
442                                         <section>
443                                                 <h2>Archival: HDF5 and h5config</h2>
444                                                 <!-- h5dump -H 2013-03-04T12-43-38.h5 |
445                                                                  grep 'GROUP\|DATASET' | sed 's/ {.*//' -->
446                                                 <pre>
447 GROUP <span style="color: blue">&quot;/&quot;</span>
448    GROUP <span style="color: blue">&quot;approach&quot;</span>
449       …
450    GROUP <span style="color: blue">&quot;config&quot;</span>
451       GROUP <span style="color: blue">&quot;afm&quot;</span>
452          …
453       GROUP <span style="color: blue">&quot;approach&quot;</span>
454          …
455       DATASET <span style="color: blue">&quot;bind time&quot;</span>
456       …
457       GROUP <span style="color: blue">&quot;unfold&quot;</span>
458          …
459          DATASET <span style="color: blue">&quot;velocity&quot;</span>
460    GROUP <span style="color: blue">&quot;environment&quot;</span>
461       DATASET <span style="color: blue">&quot;temperature&quot;</span>
462       DATASET <span style="color: blue">&quot;timestamp&quot;</span>
463       …
464    GROUP <span style="color: blue">&quot;unfold&quot;</span>
465       DATASET <span style="color: blue">&quot;deflection&quot;</span>
466       DATASET <span style="color: blue">&quot;frequency&quot;</span>
467       DATASET <span style="color: blue">&quot;z&quot;</span></pre>
468                                         </section>
469                                         <section>
470                                                 <h2>Archival: Version control</h2>
471                                                 <pre>
472 <span style="color: red">commit 32bfbf98d79c73eba50b77d0917df100e0e33bcf</span>
473 Author: W. Trevor King &lt;wking@tremily.us&gt;
474 Date:   Fri Jan 18 22:54:49 2013 -0500
476     afm: Optionally return stepper_approach data with `record_data`
478     Sometimes these approach curves are pretty funky, so I'll start
479     recording them by default in calibcant-calibrate.py.
481 <span style="font-weight: bold">diff --git a/pyafm/afm.py b/pyafm/afm.py
482 index 60741c6..e76b118 100644
483 --- a/pyafm/afm.py
484 +++ b/pyafm/afm.py</span>
485 <span style="color: blue">@@ -460,10 +460,11 @@</span> class AFM (object):
486          _LOG.warn(e)
487          raise e
489 <span style="color: red">-    def stepper_approach(self, target_deflection):</span>
490 <span style="color: green">+    def stepper_approach(self, target_deflection, record_data=None):</span>
491 …</pre>
492                                         </section>
493                                 </section>
494                                 <section>
495                                         <section>
496                                                 <h2>Open source SMFS</h2>
497                                                 <ol>
498                                                         <li><a href="#/1">Proteins</a></li>
499                                                         <li><a href="#/2">Atomic force microscopy</a></li>
500                                                         <li><a href="#/3">Single molecule force spectroscopy</a></li>
501                                                         <li><a href="#/4">Experiment control</a></li>
502                                                         <li><a href="#/5" class="active">Cantilever calibration</a></li>
503                                                         <li><a href="#/6">
504                                                                         Modeling: Monte Carlo unfolding simulations</a></li>
505                                                         <li><a href="#/7">
506                                                                         Application: Unfolding in salty buffers</a></li>
507                                                         <li><a href="#/8">Conclusions and future work</a></li>
508                                                 </ol>
509                                         </section>
510                                         <section>
511                                                 <h2>Cantilever calibration</h2>
512                                                 <p>
513                                                         <img src="media/build/unfolding-fw-fh.png" />
514                                                 </p>
515                                         </section>
516                                         <section>
517                                                 <h2>Calibration: Geometry</h2>
518                                                 <p>
519                                                         <!-- need height to stretch low-resolution pictures -->
520                                                         <img src="media/build/cantilever.jpg" height="272" />
521                                                         <img src="media/build/tip.jpg" height="272" />
522                                                 </p>
523                                                 <p style="text-align: center;">
524                                                         <small>
525                                                                 <a href="http://probe.olympus-global.com/en/product/omcl_tr800psa_w/">
526                                                                         Olympus TR800PSA
527                                                                 </a>, images from
528                                                                 <a href="http://www.asylumresearch.com/Probe/TR400PSA,Olympus">
529                                                                         Asylum Research
530                                                                 </a><br/>
531                                                                 We use the thinner
532                                                                 <a href="http://probe.olympus-global.com/en/product/omcl_tr400psa_hw/">
533                                                                          TR400PSA
534                                                                 </a>
535                                                         </small>
536                                                 </p>
537                                         </section>
538                                         <section>
539                                                 <h2>Calibration: Equipartition</h2>
540                                                 <table class="center">
541                                                         <tr>
542                                                                 <td style="vertical-align: middle;">
543                                                                         <img src="media/build/calibcant-flow-hw-fh.png" />
544                                                                 </td>
545                                                                 <td>
546                                                                         <p>
547                                                                                 The average spring energy is
548                                                                         </p>
550 \[
551   \frac{1}{2} \kappa \left\langle x_c^2 \right\rangle = \frac{1}{2}k_B T \;,
552 \]
554                                                                         <p>
555                                                                                 where $k_B$ is Boltzmann's constant and $T$ is the
556                                                                                 temperature.
557                                                                         </p>
558                                                                 </td>
559                                                         </tr>
560                                                 </table>
561                                         </section>
562                                         <section>
563                                                 <h2>Calibration: Vibration</h2>
564                                                 <p>
565                                                         <img src="media/build/vibration-fw-fh.png" width="620" />
566                                                 </p>
567                                         </section>
568                                         <section>
569                                                 <h2>Calibration: Photodiode calibration</h2>
570                                                 <p>
571                                                         <img src="media/build/bump-fw-fh.png" />
572                                                 </p>
573                                         </section>
574                                         <section>
575                                                 <h2>Calibration: Results</h2>
577 \[
578 \begin{aligned}
579   T &= 298.15 \pm 0.03 \; \text{K}  &
580   \sigma_p &= 35.7 \pm 0.9 \; \text{mV/nm} \\
581   \left\langle V_p^2 \right\rangle &= 97 \pm 1 \; \text{mV}^2  &
582   \sqrt{\left\langle x_c^2 \right\rangle}
583     &= \sqrt{\frac{\left\langle V_p^2 \right\rangle}{\sigma_p^2}}
584     = 0.28 \; \text{nm} \\
585   \kappa = \frac{k_B T \sigma_p^2}{\left\langle V_p^2 \right\rangle}
586     &= 54 \pm 3 \; \text{pN/nm}
587 \end{aligned}
588 \]
590                                         </section>
591                                         <section>
592                                                 <h2>Calibration: Stability</h2>
593                                                 <table class="center">
594                                                         <thead>
595                                                                 <tr>
596                                                                         <th>Quant.</th>
597                                                                         <th>Units</th>
598                                                                         <th> </th>
599                                                                         <!-- 2013-03-03T16-37-12 -->
600                                                                         <th colspan="2" style="text-align: center">Day 1</th>
601                                                                         <th> </th>
602                                                                         <!-- 2013-03-04T12-21-54 -->
603                                                                         <th colspan="2" style="text-align: center">Day 2</th>
604                                                                 </tr>
605                                                         </thead>
606                                                         <tbody>
607                                                                 <tr>
608                                                                         <td>$T$</td>
609                                                                         <td>K</td>
610                                                                         <td></td>
611                                                                         <td>296.30</td>
612                                                                         <td>±0.02</td>
613                                                                         <td></td>
614                                                                         <td>294.27</td>
615                                                                         <td>±0.02</td>
616                                                                 </tr>
617                                                                 <tr>
618                                                                         <td>$\sigma_p$</td>
619                                                                         <td>mV/nm</td>
620                                                                         <td></td>
621                                                                         <td>&#x2007;46.2</td>
622                                                                         <td>±0.8</td>
623                                                                         <td></td>
624                                                                         <td>&#x2007;41.3</td>
625                                                                         <td>±0.2</td>
626                                                                 </tr>
627                                                                 <tr>
628                                                                         <td>$\left\langle V_p^2 \right\rangle$</td>
629                                                                         <td>mV$^2$</td>
630                                                                         <td></td>
631                                                                         <td>108</td>
632                                                                         <td>±1</td>
633                                                                         <td></td>
634                                                                         <td>105</td>
635                                                                         <td>±2</td>
636                                                                 </tr>
637                                                                 <tr>
638                                                                         <td>$\kappa$</td>
639                                                                         <td>pN/nm</td>
640                                                                         <td></td>
641                                                                         <td>&#x2007;67</td>
642                                                                         <td>±2</td>
643                                                                         <td></td>
644                                                                         <td>&#x2007;66</td>
645                                                                         <td>±2</td>
646                                                                 </tr>
647                                                         </tbody>
648                                                 </table>
649                                         </section>
650                                         <section>
651                                                 <h2>Calibration: Inconsistency</h2>
652                                                 <table class="center">
653                                                         <tr>
654                                                                 <td style="vertical-align: middle;">
655                                                                         <img src="media/build/florin-fig2-hw-fh.png" />
656                                                                 </td>
657                                                                 <td style="vertical-align: middle;">
658                                                                         <img src="media/build/vibration-hw-fh.png" />
659                                                                 </td>
660                                                         </tr>
661                                                 </table>
662                                                 <p style="text-align: center;">
663                                                         <small>
664                                                                 <a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0896-6273(88)90139-0">
665                                                                         Florin, Rief, Lehmann, et al., 1995
666                                                                 </a>
667                                                         </small>
668                                                 </p>
669                                         </section>
670                                 </section>
671                                 <section>
672                                         <section>
673                                                 <h2>Open source SMFS</h2>
674                                                 <ol>
675                                                         <li><a href="#/1">Proteins</a></li>
676                                                         <li><a href="#/2">Atomic force microscopy</a></li>
677                                                         <li><a href="#/3">Single molecule force spectroscopy</a></li>
678                                                         <li><a href="#/4">Experiment control</a></li>
679                                                         <li><a href="#/5">Cantilever calibration</a></li>
680                                                         <li><a href="#/6" class="active">
681                                                                         Modeling: Monte Carlo unfolding simulations</a></li>
682                                                         <li><a href="#/7">
683                                                                         Application: Unfolding in salty buffers</a></li>
684                                                         <li><a href="#/8">Conclusions and future work</a></li>
685                                                 </ol>
686                                         </section>
687                                         <section>
688                                                 <h2>Monte Carlo unfolding simulations</h2>
689                                                 <table class="center">
690                                                         <tr>
691                                                                 <td rowspan="2" style="vertical-align: middle;">
692                                                                         <img src="media/build/unfolding-hw-fh.png" />
693                                                                 </td>
694                                                                 <td style="vertical-align: top;">
695                                                                         <img src="media/build/expt-sawtooth-hw-hh.png" />
696                                                                 </td>
697                                                         </tr>
698                                                         <tr>
699                                                                 <td><img src="media/build/pbs-hist-hw-hh.png" /></td>
700                                                         </tr>
701                                                 </table>
702                                         </section>
703                                         <section>
704                                                 <h2>Hooke: Experimental histograms</h2>
705                                                 <p>
706                                                         <img src="media/build/expt-sawtooth-hw-hh.png"
707                                                                          style="vertical-align: middle;" />
708                                                         <img src="media/build/pbs-hist-hw-hh.png"
709                                                                          style="vertical-align: middle;" />
710                                                 </p>
711                                                 <p>
712                                                         <a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btp180">Sandal,
713                                                                 Benedetti, et al., 2009</a>
714                                                 </p>
715                                         </section>
716                                         <section>
717                                                 <h2>Sawsim: State model</h2>
718                                                 <p>
719                                                         <img src="media/build/unfolding-hw-fh.png"
720                                                                          style="vertical-align: middle;">
721                                                         <img src="media/build/sawsim-states-hw-fh.png"
722                                                                          style="vertical-align: middle;">
723                                                 </p>
724                                         </section>
725                                         <section>
726                                                 <h2>Sawsim: Simulation loop</h2>
727                                                 <ol>
728                                                         <li>Calculate piezo-induced gap $x_t(t)=v t$</li>
729                                                         <li>
730                                                                 Find tension model parameters for each state
731                                                         </li>
732                                                         <li>
733                                                                 Distribute per-state stretching ($x_c$, $x_u$, …) to
734                                                                 balance the tension
735                                                         </li>
736                                                         <li>
737                                                                 Calculate the transition rates between states
738                                                         </li>
739                                                         <li>
740                                                                 Roll the dice to determine if transitions take
741                                                                 place as you step forward in time
742                                                         </li>
743                                                 </ol>
744                                         </section>
745                                         <section>
746                                                 <h2>Sawsim: Monte Carlo</h2>
747                                                 <p>
748                                                         <img src="media/build/monte-carlo-fw-fh.png" />
749                                                 </p>
750                                         </section>
751                                         <section>
752                                                 <h2>Sawsim: Unfolding models</h2>
753                                                 <table class="center">
754                                                         <tr>
755                                                                 <td style="text-align: center;">
756                                                                         <img src="media/build/unfolding-hw-hh.png"
757                                                                                          style="vertical-align: middle;">
758                                                                 </td>
759                                                                 <td>
760                                                                         <img src="media/build/landscape-hw-hh.png"
761                                                                                          style="vertical-align: middle;">
762                                                                 </td>
763                                                         </tr>
764                                                         <tr>
765                                                                 <td style="text-align: center;">
766                                                                         <img src="media/build/sawsim-states-hw-hh.png"
767                                                                                          style="vertical-align: middle;">
768                                                                 </td>
769                                                                 <td>
770                                                                         <img src="media/build/landscape-bell-hw-hh.png"
771                                                                                          style="vertical-align: middle;">
772                                                                 </td>
773                                                         </tr>
774                                                 </table>
775                                         </section>
776                                         <section>
777                                                 <h2>Sawsim: Kramers' model</h2>
779 \[
780   \frac{1}{k_u}
781     = \frac{1}{D}
782       \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \mathrm{d}\! x \;
783         e^{\frac{U_F(x)}{k_B T}}
784         \int_{-\infty}^{x} \mathrm{d}\! x' \;
785           e^{\frac{-U_F(x')}{k_B T}}
786 \]
788                                                 <p>
789                                                         <img src="media/build/landscape-hw-hh.png"
790                                                                          style="vertical-align: middle;">
791                                                         <img src="media/build/kramers-integrand-hw-hh.png"
792                                                                          style="vertical-align: middle;">
793                                                 </p>
794                                         </section>
795                                         <section>
796                                                 <h2>Sawsim: Tension models</h2>
797                                                 <table class="center">
798                                                         <tr>
799                                                                 <td style="text-align: center;">
800                                                                         <img src="media/build/unfolding-hw-hh.png"
801                                                                                          style="vertical-align: middle;">
802                                                                 </td>
803                                                                 <td rowspan="2" style="vertical-align: middle;">
804                                                                         <img src="media/build/wlc-model-hw-fh.png">
805                                                                 </td>
806                                                                 <td rowspan="2" style="vertical-align: middle;">
807                                                                         <img src="media/build/fjc-model-hw-fh.png">
808                                                                 </td>
809                                                         </tr>
810                                                         <tr>
811                                                                 <td style="text-align: center;">
812                                                                         <img src="media/build/sawsim-states-hw-hh.png"
813                                                                                          style="vertical-align: middle;">
814                                                                 </td>
815                                                         </tr>
816                                                 </table>
817                                         </section>
818                                         <section>
819                                                 <h2>Sawsim: Fitting models</h2>
820                                                 <p>
821                                                         <img src="media/build/fit-valley-fw-fh.png" />
822                                                 </p>
823                                         </section>
824                                 </section>
825                                 <section>
826                                         <section>
827                                                 <h2>Open source SMFS</h2>
828                                                 <ol>
829                                                         <li><a href="#/1">Proteins</a></li>
830                                                         <li><a href="#/2">Atomic force microscopy</a></li>
831                                                         <li><a href="#/3">Single molecule force spectroscopy</a></li>
832                                                         <li><a href="#/4">Experiment control</a></li>
833                                                         <li><a href="#/5">Cantilever calibration</a></li>
834                                                         <li><a href="#/6">
835                                                                         Modeling: Monte Carlo unfolding simulations</a></li>
836                                                         <li><a href="#/7" class="active">
837                                                                         Application: Unfolding in salty buffers</a></li>
838                                                         <li><a href="#/8">Conclusions and future work</a></li>
839                                                 </ol>
840                                         </section>
841                                         <section>
842                                                 <h2>Unfolding in salty buffers</h2>
843                                                 <p>
844                                                         <img src="media/build/lu-fig1-fw-fh.png" />
845                                                 </p>
846                                                 <p style="text-align: center;">
847                                                         <small>
848                                                                 <a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0006-3495(00)76273-4">
849                                                                         Lu and Schulten, 2000
850                                                                 </a>
851                                                         </small>
852                                                 </p>
853                                         </section>
854                                         <section>
855                                                 <h2>Salt: Glutamic acid</h2>
856                                                 <p>
857                                                         <img src="media/build/1TIT-hbond-fw-fh.png" />
858                                                 </p>
859                                         </section>
860                                         <section>
861                                                 <h2>Salt: Reduced stability in CaCl₂</h2>
862                                                 <p>
863                                                         <img src="media/build/pbs-0.5M-CaCl2-hist-fw-fh.png" />
864                                                 </p>
865                                         </section>
866                                         <section>
867                                                 <h2>Salt: Sawsim fits</h2>
868                                                 <p>
869                                                         <img src="media/build/fit-valley-PBS-hw-hh.png" />
870                                                         <img src="media/build/fit-valley-PBS-0.5M-CaCl2-hw-hh.png" />
871                                                 </p>
872                                                 <table class="center" style="width: 640px;">
873                                                         <thead>
874                                                                 <tr>
875                                                                         <th>Buffer</th>
876                                                                         <th>$\Delta x$ (Å)</th>
877                                                                         <th>$k_{u0}$ (s$^{-1}$)</th>
878                                                                 </tr>
879                                                         </thead>
880                                                         <tbody>
881                                                                 <tr>
882                                                                         <td>PBS</td>
883                                                                         <td>1.32</td>
884                                                                         <td>0.222</td>
885                                                                 </tr>
886                                                                 <tr>
887                                                                         <td>PBS + 0.5 M CaCl₂</td>
888                                                                         <td>1.23</td>
889                                                                         <td>0.450</td>
890                                                                 </tr>
891                                                         </tbody>
892                                                 </table>
893                                                 <p><small>Ca²⁺ radius ∼1.1 Å, H-bond ∼2 Å.</small></p>
894                                         </section>
895                                 </section>
896                                 <section>
897                                         <section>
898                                                 <h2>Open source SMFS</h2>
899                                                 <ol>
900                                                         <li><a href="#/1">Proteins</a></li>
901                                                         <li><a href="#/2">Atomic force microscopy</a></li>
902                                                         <li><a href="#/3">Single molecule force spectroscopy</a></li>
903                                                         <li><a href="#/4">Experiment control</a></li>
904                                                         <li><a href="#/5">Cantilever calibration</a></li>
905                                                         <li><a href="#/6">
906                                                                         Modeling: Monte Carlo unfolding simulations</a></li>
907                                                         <li><a href="#/7">
908                                                                         Application: Unfolding in salty buffers</a></li>
909                                                         <li><a href="#/8" class="active">
910                                                                         Conclusions and future work</a></li>
911                                                 </ol>
912                                         </section>
913                                         <section>
914                                                 <h2>Conclusions: Salt</h2>
915                                                 <ul>
916                                                         <li>
917                                                                 Prelimiary results show the expected destabilizing
918                                                                 effect of CaCl₂
919                                                         </li>
920                                                         <li>More contextual data!
921                                                                 <ul>
922                                                                         <li>Pulling speeds</li>
923                                                                         <li>Salt concentrations (physiological levels)</li>
924                                                                         <li>Salt species</li>
925                                                                 </ul>
926                                                         </li>
927                                                         <li>Mutated proteins?
928                                                                 <ul>
929                                                                         <li>Is glutamic acid special?</li>
930                                                                 </ul>
931                                                         </li>
932                                                 </ul>
933                                         </section>
934                                         <section>
935                                                 <h2>Conclusions: Hardware</h2>
936                                                 <table class="center">
937                                                         <tr>
938                                                                 <td style="vertical-align: top;">
939                                                                         <img src="media/build/afm-hw-hh.png" />
940                                                                 </td>
941                                                                 <td>
942                                                                         <p>For automatic control, it would be nice to have…</p>
943                                                                         <ul>
944                                                                                 <li>Piezos with capacitive feedback ($10k an axis)</li>
945                                                                                 <li>Independent 4-segment photodiode readout</li>
946                                                                                 <li>Control over photodiode positioning</li>
947                                                                                 <li>Control over laser alignment</li>
948                                                                         </ul>
949                                                                 </td>
950                                                         </tr>
951                                                 </table>
952                                         </section>
953                                         <section>
954                                                 <h2>Conclusions: Software</h2>
955                                                 <p>
956                                                         <img src="media/build/pyafm-hw-hh.png" />
957                                                 </p>
958                                                 <p style="text-align: left;">
959                                                         Everything works for me, and I expect it will work for
960                                                         others… but no software (except
961                                                         maybe <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TeX#Development">TeX</a>)
962                                                         is without bugs.  Testers welcome!
963                                                 </p>
964                                         </section>
965                                 </section>
966                                 <section>
967                                         <section>
968                                                 <h1>The End</h1>
969                                         </section>
970                                         <section>
971                                                 <h1>Thanks!</h1>
972                                                 <table>
973                                                         <tr>
974                                                                 <td rowspan="2" style="vertical-align: top;">
975                                                                         <ul>
976                                                                                 <li>Guoliang Yang</li>
977                                                                                 <li>Luis Cruz Cruz</li>
978                                                                                 <li>Marisa Roman</li>
979                                                                                 <li>Runcong Liu</li>
980                                                                                 <li>Jian-Min Yuan</li>
981                                                                                 <li>Jun Xi</li>
982                                                                                 <li>Som Tyagi</li>
983                                                                                 <li>Michel Vallières</li>
984                                                                                 <li>Everyone else in Drexel physics!</li>
985                                                                                 <li>
986                                                                                         <a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btp180">Sandal,
987                                                                                                 Benedetti, et al.</a> for initial work on Hooke</li>
988                                                                         </ul>
989                                                                 </td>
990                                                                 <td style="vertical-align: top;">
991                                                                         <ul>
992                                                                                 <li><a href="http://lab.hakim.se/reveal-js/">reveal.js</a></li>
993                                                                                 <li><a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/pymol/">PyMOL</a></li>
994                                                                                 <li><a href="http://asymptote.sourceforge.net/">Asymptote</a></li>
995                                                                                 <li>…</li>
996                                                                         </ul>
997                                                                 </td>
998                                                         </tr>
999                                                         <tr>
1000                                                                 <td style="vertical-align: top;">
1001                                                                         <ul>
1002                                                                                 <li>My family!</li>
1003                                                                         </ul>
1004                                                                 </td>
1005                                                         </tr>
1006                                                 </table>
1007                                         </section>
1008                                 </section>
1009                         </div>
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1011                 <script src="lib/js/head.min.js"></script>
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