Update Giancoli v6 to use Circ.asy v0.2.
[course.git] / html / php / people.php
1 <?php
2 /*
3  * Pretty-print lists of people from xml data.  For example:
4  *   include('php/people.php');
5  *   $use_pictures = true;
6  *   printPeopleStart($use_picture);
7  *   $s=simplexml_load_file('xml/profs.xml');
8  *   printPeople('Professors', $s, $use_pictures);
9  *   $s=simplexml_load_file('xml/TAs.xml');
10  *   printPeople('Teaching Assistants', $s, $use_pictures);
11  *   printPeopleEnd($use_picture);
12  * 
13  * simplexml_load_file idea from 2008 courselist page
14  * http://www.physics.drexel.edu/students/courses/
16  * Design by Daniel J. Cross
17  */
18 function printPeopleStart($use_pictures){
19   if ($use_pictures == false)
20     echo "<table>\n";
21 }
22 function printPeopleEnd($use_pictures){
23   if ($use_pictures == false)
24     echo "</table>\n";
25 }
26 function printPeople($title, $people, $use_pictures){
27   if ($use_pictures == true)
28     echo "  <h3 style=\"clear: both;\">$title</h3>\n";
29   else
30     echo "  <tr><th colspan=\"3\">$title</th></tr>\n";
31   foreach($people->person as $person){
32     $name=$person->name;
33     if (strlen($person->url) > 0){
34       $href=" href=\"".$person->url."\"";
35     } else {
36       $href="";
37     }
38     $office=$person->office;
39     $email=$person->email;
40     $hours=$person->hours;
41     $picture=$person->picture;
42     $extension=$person->extension;
43     if ($use_pictures == true) {
44       echo "  <div class=\"person\" style=\"clear: both;\">\n";
45       echo "    <img alt=\"$name\" src=\"$picture\" width=\"100px\" height=\"130px\" style=\"float:left;margin-right:10px;border:1px solid black;\"/>\n";
46       echo "    <p>\n";
47       echo "      <b><a$href>$name</a></b><br/>\n";
48       echo "      Email: $email<br/>\n";
49       echo "      Office: $office<br/>\n";
50       echo "      Hours: $hours<br/>\n";
51       echo "      Extension: $extension<br/>\n";
52       echo "    </p>\n";
53       echo "  </div>\n";
54     } else {
55       echo "  <tr><td><a$href>$name</a></td><td>$office</td><td>$email</td></tr>\n";
56       if (strlen($hours) > 0){
57         echo "  <tr><td></td><td colspan=\"2\">Office hours: $hours</td></tr>\n";
58       }
59     }
60   }
61 }
62 ?>